Update 88-01 Update 88-01 Started University 30th September 2006 9:41 PM
Before I talk about my day, which I presume most of you are keen to find out more about, a business annoucement is in order. For those of you wondering what the hell happened to Countdown, basically my computer went ka-put while editing. I'm in the midst of searching for a new one so no worries. I was reviewing Initial B Orientation footage the other day in a bout of homesickness and realized there was so much of it (Made everythin even more nostalgic). It was a few hours long and took up a total of 60 GBs. I was telling myself to never ever shoot with 9 cameras again. Not only was it hell to coordinate (Especially around the whole of Singapore for the Amazing Race segment) but editing was pretty crazy too. Then, I realized we shot Countdown with 5 cameras (3 professional ones), 10 hours of footage, and 120 Gigs of space - To be compressed into a 15 min short. SIGHS ):
In order to placate and perhaps whett your appetites, I have put all the Countdown production photos online. HERE. You're gonna have to look for the 'Countdown' Set/Album (Located on the right hand side bar). There are gonna be alot of other photos up online soon from BLINDED, Centerstage, etc. This site is seriously kick-ass. I have a 2.5 GB space limit and you can download the footage in original size (Click 'All Sizes). I currently have about 800+ photos on and there are set to be more coming soon. Just browse around the sets and enjoy yourselves haha. Props to Malcolm for the recommendation.
So I started university today. Went rather 'okay' I suppose. Its that typical nervous starting-school days where you dont know anyone but pretend you do. It really is quite unsettling though I must admit that I'm pretty seasoned by all this moving about having starting afresh at so many new schools between the States and Singapore. It'll take time (Not too much I hope). I'm at a considerable disadvantage compared to the average college student in terms of social networking and getting to know people:
"So what dorm you from?"
"Oh I don't stay on campus - Underage heh. Live in nearby appartment." *Weak smile*
"Oh so you have your own appartment eh? Wow thats cool, dawg. I always wanted to do that but I got no dough."
"Urm... I actually live with my parents..."
"Oh well, then I bet driving yourself here everyday's a pain!"
"Uhh... No. Actually my parents send me..."
The guy looked at me as if I just told him I was from Mars, ate hamsters for breakfast, and then decided to take over some guy's body in a bid to blend in with humans. Later on, I was asked to join this asian sorority after walking by their booth. They called themselves KASA. I was a bit puzzled, and asked what it stood for. Some guy told me not to ask questions and just come to the party tonight with a '6 pack of miller lite'.
I declined politely.
I found out later it apparently it stands for Korean Association for Smoking & Alcohol.
... Hmmph.... And I thought we were decadent.
Apart from that everything went rather smoothly. A few classes were cancelled because the TA (Teacher's Assistant; kinda like a sub-professor) didn't show up. Its quite interesting observing the ripples in the group when you say you just came from Singapore. Some girl told me I could write a book about my life. I took that as a compliment. On other notes, text books are friggin expensive. Its an average of US$50 per book. And there are like 3 books per course. And I have 5 courses.
Update 87-01 Update 87-01 Starting University 28th September 2006 9:30 AM
I start university today. Never thought I would be saying that phrase so soon. I had always had this dream, this vague aspiration, to go to university before 18. I have no idea why. Maybe it runs in the blood. My mum made this same journey when she was 17 to a uni in London - But thats another story. Now that my goal has been realized, it feels surreal; simply because I never actually thought the day would ever come. It always appeared so far off, what you would think about when you were asked one of them 'what do you wanna be when you grow up?' questions.
Now, on hindsight, I find that my life has passed by so fast - That everything that has led up to this point has been a mere 2 minute flashback from a short film, a distorted and messy collage of distant, idealized recollections earmarked by certain special occasions and significant memories in the life of the protagonist. Sitting at my computer now typing this out before I attend my very first Sociology class 5 hours later, I can't help but feel rather overwhelmed by it all.
Am I scared? Hell yeah. I probably am. I have made a grand total of ZERO friends thus far.
Having existed for over 17 years now, I'm trying to come to terms with who I am as a person. It somehow occurred to me now, going to university and all, that deciding what I wanted to do in life and how I wanted to shape my destiny were inextricably related to who I already was. As I begin the long and arduous journey to a new life here, I find it nearly inevitable that my personality, characteristics, and idiosyncrasies will be influenced by my new life here in America - And I took the onus to forcibly tell myself not to change. Then it struck me, like cold rain sizzling against a car's heated bonnet, that there was not much to preserve anyway. Who am I, as an individual? I can't explain why, but I cannot help but think about my own cultural identity (Or lack of) when I reflect upon my roots.
It is tough, living this lifestyle of being neither here nor there. It becomes even more surreal, as a minority in this country. Don't take me wrong - There is very little discrimination here, but one cannot help but feel rather displaced. In America, I'm too Asian. In Singapore, I'm too American. You can't really got more paradoxically globalized than that. I don't feel at home in either place. To be harshly honest, I don't feel much allegiance to either place - America or Singapore. I don't have relatives in either. In America, I can't help but miss Singapore - And vise versa in the other direction. Yet somehow, I feel like an alien, a stranger, in both. All my life, since I was 2, I've played this little game of hop-skotch: A trans-continental zig zag of constant shuttling between the US and Singapore.
As I soon transition into the adult world where identity and ethnicity become increasingly relevant and pertinent, I can't help questioning who Brian L. Tan really is. What is my identity? I am supposedly Chinese by virtue of my Great-Great-Great Grandfather being from some random village but my family from my Grandfather's time on never spoke a word of Chinese. I don't know anyone from China - All my relatives are 'pernakans' from Malaysia. We don't eat with chop sticks. We nourish ourselves with Western food most of the time; our Chinese culinary diet sadly confined to cliche stir-fried veges and sweet and sour chicken. No offense to her, but my Mum can't cook Chinese food for nuts. Her quiche, salad, pizza, and angel hair pasta with basil (mmmmm) are much better. Sure, I love Chinese food, but we like Mexican even more.
I like to think of myself as your typical Americanized 'Global Citizen' guy - Loyalty only to himself; but the truth is that I don't know who I am. I suppose I am who I choose to be; a hodge-podge paper mache of different backgrounds and nationalities but then again, I'm not quite sure myself. In a split second, I can adopt an American, British, Singaporean, French, Malay, or Indian accent (The latter of which, I have been told, is none too convincing due to lack of practice.)
When I was a young lad at the age of 11 in America, I used to go around school pretending to be a French or British exchange student just for kicks. Nevermind. My mind (Like my fluctuating identity) is wandering. I was telling myself to write a nice optimistic post about going to university and my ambitions here but I guess that kind of fell through when this entire culture-identity issue surface. Hmmph. Anyway. Thats just been some displaced, disconcerted random thoughts about myself. I half contemplated deleting it because its so rambled but nevermind. I need to flush it out of my system since I have no one to talk to down here. Now, on to more interesting stuff...
I met this lady, at church last Sunday who migrated to the States 10 years ago, bringing her 7 year old son with her. Now, because her son never went back for NS, he's an exile too. But I don't think that would mean much to him having been away for so long. I wanted to talk to him, but wierd thing was he wasn't there at the church. Maybe the ISD... But it was nice anyway, talking to the mum and sharing a little solidarity. Until the next emo/angst bout I will indulge myself with a little sweet taste of home.
Wierdly enough I found them in this big but average American supermarket that I also bought $1.50 wine from. Erm. Not that I drank, of course. Well... Not much anyway. Although the bottle was huge. I wonder how the hell they make money.
Huzzah for globalization. Guess it does have its benefits...
Ah here's another thing to keep me busy, for a couple of hours... Or days... At the looks of things:
Therein those boxes contain an unassembled 8 foot long dining table its 6 accompanying chairs.
Great. Too bad they dont teach carpentry at my uni.
- posted by BLT @ 6:31 PM(2) comments
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Update 86-01 Update 86-01 Apologies 26th September 2006 5:17 PM
Apologies for the lack of blogging for the past few days. Not having internet... Really gets me mad... Mmmm lets not go there before I start ranting per usual. On other fronts, my computer has decided to quit on me. All editing on Countdown has stopped becuase I put in too many digital effects, and other FX to the extent that my computer declared it was 'Running Too Low on Virtual Memory' and refused to run Adobe Premiere henceforth. I will buy a new computer soon.... Somehow. Don't wory. Countdown will be complete... Eventually...
I start university in 3 days. Although I do have occasional bouts of fear and anxiety about going to college at 17, I must admit that I'm feeling rather... Detached from the whole process altogether. I'm not nervous, I'm not particularly thrilled, and I'm not THAT scared (So I tell myself)... I think I'm just a bit zoned out/stonned about the entire event. To me, its just like resuming school with no friends after a 3 week holiday. I feel more concerned about Countdown editing than I am about starting university. Uh-oh. Something's definately wrong there. Ah well. Wierd, huh?
I also have to declare that I ate bee hon and hor fun the other day after a one hour journey to Chinatown. It was... Heavenly. This marks the longest time I haven't eaten a single dish of Asian food - For one whole Month. Unfortunately, this looks likely to be the usual trend seeing how hard they are to get. Though to be honest, it isn't exactly that hard when you're surrounded by an endless supply of tacos (And free salsa packets), fried chicken, and burgers. Its just that when you eat such stuff after so long, one tends to appreciate the finer things of life, and the nostalgia that comes with it; i.e. 'eh we used to get this next door from that hawker center...'. Hmmph. Till my next trip, I shall survive on chocolate and coke (Not together) binges. Whee.
I love American fast food joints. You order a small drink usually less than a dollar and they let you have as many refills of any drink you like from this soft drinks dispenser. I went to Ikea yesterday and drank 6 cups of coffee (One after the other) for just 99 cents. No, I didn't get high (Unfortunately). Though I did drink so much coke one time I... Nevermind.
I think Bloke will enjoy living here.
I also met this guy that looks like a buff SAM CHAN. Yes. No shit. Stretch Sam Chan to like 180cm/6 foot 2/ ben soh's height and make him also buffed and bulked (and American). Man. He has the exact same face and those identical little glasses Sam Chan has. Quite intriguing eh? It may be racist but I think there's an element of truth to it when they go 'all you chinks look alike'.
I went to church yesterday, for the first time in a month. Was also, like bee hon and hor fun, heavenly - In more ways than one. Was a rather delightful, refreshing experience.
On other notes, it really is interesting observing people's reactions when they here you just came from Singapore. I should make a sport out of it. If they DO know where the hell Singapore is, (That its not part of Korea, China, or Japan), they'll say something like this:
Girl: "I heard rumors that in Singapore you can chew gum and you can be fined for littering."
Me (Dead serious; while chewing gum and throwing the wrapper on the floor): "Its true."
What followed were loud gasps of horror, disgust, and shouts of 'Oh Em Gees' by the entire youth group at church. You get the idea.
I think I will go back there next week.
- posted by BLT @ 2:21 AM(0) comments
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Update 85-01 Update 85-01 Amused 20th September 2006 11:45 AM
Spoils from a trip to Taco Bell amuse me to no end.
Mind you, there are hundreds of variations across three different types of sauces: Mild, Hot, and Extreme Hot Salsa. One wonders why the bother. I nearly choked on my tacos reading them. Maybe that’s the intention.
What would bring Jack Sparrow, Trinity, 'M', Irina Derevko, and that cosmonaut guy from Armageddon together? Why, chocolate, of course. That’s right. Or rather, to be more precise, Chocolat. I had actually watched this film almost 6 years ago but I watched it again last night. Set in 1960’s France, Chocolat is a delight to watch. It’s really not my type film (Yes, not a single gun) but it holds a rather poignant and enriching message about conformity, love, religion, and life. Although it ends on a rather ‘feel-good’ and upbeat note which isn’t my particular cup of tea (Or hot chocolate), I nonetheless thoroughly enjoyed this film for its beautiful setting, breathtaking cinematography, good acting and nicely woven, albeit simple plot. With such a star-studded cast, what more can I say? Watch this film after exams if you want to be uplifted and happy.
Hmmph weirdly enough, Johnny Depp plays a River Rat (French version of a pirate).
Anyway, I’m done with an extremely rough cut of ALL non-action scenes. It is nowhere near completion though I will begin action scenes later today. I will get some test clips and yes, pictures, of countdown out by tomorrow. The library (And not having regular MSN & internet for the past 3 damn weeks) pisses me off cuz my HDD doesn’t work here and Blogger can’t publish.
Update 84-01 Update 84-01 Disjointed 18th September 2006 10:03 AM
After a few days of absence, I'm back with a vengence. This entry is gonna' be long. Alienation and lonliness does things to you. For me, I'm writing e-mails, blogging, blog surfing, looking at old emo pictures and daydreaming more than I should. Looking forward to tags on this site and e-mails like never before, one tends to appreciate the simpler pleasures of life. Over the past few days I've only talked to Dimitri online - Whic doesn't say much at all. Haha. Kidding. Dim, if you ever read this crap, I want you to know that our MSN conversations keep me going. Thanks Ali, for your e-mails too. I should have full internet capabilities in a few days. Anyway, emo stuff later, business first. Countdown editing is crawling along. I have a few issues that remain unsolved and I have no idea what to do without some stuff:
1. Countdown Timer: Should it be red or yellow and should it include milli-seconds after the seconds? 2. Could any of you who read this plog record your own voice saying as many of the following as possible? a. Open Fire! b. Cover Fire! c. Retreat! d. To your left! e. Fall back! f. There're too many of them! g. Arrgh! (Just got shot) h. Clear that area now! i. Hold that position! j. Go go go! k. We need reinforcements!! l. Anything else you would say when you're being shot at by alot of people
Seriously. I need this for one of the scenes quite urgently where its played over the police radio. So yeah. As many of you as possible. Anyone at all. Just record with your handphone mic or that $50 Creative mic. Whatever floats your boat. Say all the lines as if you're very frantic/urgent/desperate while being SHOT at. Then send the file to my e-mail. buck_suck@hotmail.com. I stress again; this is quite important and urgent. Thanks. 3. I need muzzle flashes of m16s 4. I need original music
I'm about halfway done with rough cuts for non-action scenes (i.e. Dialogue, etc.). Wierdly enough, being the action junkie that I am, I'm actually DREADING to edit the action scenes such as the big-ass office and warehouse shootouts. There's so much footage to sift through and I have to superimpose nearly all the scenes with muzzle flashes and other special effects which are a real killer to edit as they require me to impose and subsequently render each individual frame. Its incredibly time-consuming and just plain sian. Just as a heads up notice, I'll begin uploading pictures taken by our still photographers from the next update onwards so look out for that. Some of the photos are really nice.
I feel sick. Not homesick or lovesick, at that. I think I'm coming down with the flu or something. Its been very hot the past few days but last night temperatures dropped to about 40 to 50 degrees farenheit (I dont know what that is in Celsius). So wide open windows coupled with me garbed in shorts and t-shirt, I woke up with a rather nasty headache, blocked nose and fever, all of which haven't subsided yet. So I guess my illments will be justification for the upcoming rant.
I'm sure all of you have experienced this at least once. Have you called up some big organization's hotline were greeted by some monotonous automated machine which tells you to press one for English, two for Spanish and zero to speak to an operator, or some crap like that? Well, here in America, that's the norm - As I found out trying to get my phone line and internet started up. After listening to countless irritating machine voices for almost 5 minutes and dailing 1s or 2s on the phone's numbers were hot, I finally get to talk to a human being. Picture if you will, the cliche air-head blonde. Now, giver her a headset. Next, give her a computer (Not that she knows how to use it). Then, put her at a desk as an employee of AT & T Telecom Services Inc.
Operator: 'Hi. My name is Jenny. Thank you for dailing our 1-800 number. How might I help you?' Me: 'Hi can I'd like to set up my phone line please.' Operator: 'Okay sure thing. What's your name and address?' I give it to her. Operator: 'Thank you. Please hold the line while I transfer you to our phone installation services department.'
I'm left hanging (Literally) listening to Green Day's 'Had a bad day' before someone finally picks up.
Operator: 'Hi. My name is Maegen. Thank you for dailing our phone installation services department. How might I help you?' Me: 'Can I'd like to set up my phone line please.' Operator: 'Okay. What's your name and address?' I give it to her... This time a little more grudgingly Operator: 'Please hold on.'
Again, I'm put on hold listening to slash-wrist Green Day emo music while I wait for the folks at AT & T to get their act together. Finally, some other lady picks up... And AGAIN transfers me! This cycle is repeated six times. Six. Yes, six blardy times. I pretty much memorized my name my new address by the fifth round. I consider myself a rather impatient person by nature (And experience) but I imagine this situation would be rather unbearable for the most patient of indvididuals so I hung up after I started pulling my hair out (I've got alot to go around now since I don't have to cut it). Being on hold for so long on a PAY PHONE (I spent $5 worth of quarters), Green Days 'You Had A Bad Day' was fast becoming a reality.
I was ranting about this to Ali the other day but I might as well put it online: Apparently, the internet company demands a phone line set up before they can get my net started. But, you see the problem is that I dont have a phone yet.. So yeah... America's a big humongous beaurocracy - About as bad as Singapore. Its really pissing off cuz when you finally get an operator he or she puts you on hold and transfers you to another dude who does the same thing; the cycle repeats itself a few times before you finally get through or throw your phone against the wall in rage (The latter usually comes first). Blardy red tape. But I think its slightly better than Singapore cuz you can apply for things online and it does so instantly - Only problem is we don't have internet. And we can only get internet if we get a phone line set up. But we cant apply for a phone line online cuz we dont have no internet. Classic chicken and egg problem.
Furniture in Amerika is really affordable. I bought this huge desk recently for the great price of only US$149.99. It looks pretty good for that price in my opinion. Its so compact too! I was wondering how such a big desk can fit into a small 5 foot box!
Now I found out why -
On hindsight, I should have paid more attention to the label:
That's right. The desk comes in PLANKS. Attached is a grand total of over 400 different nails, screws, etc. I have no idea what the hell to do.
See those little stickers? Yeah I had to label each and everyone of them (With precious DV tape stickers) alphabetically in relation to the manual on how to assemble it because the furniture company probably forgot to label them. SIGHS. This is gonna be hell to assemble.
Well, see that fire place in the picture?
Worse come to worse I could just use them all has firewood for a merry ole' bonfire! Whee!
Considering this is the first piece of furniture we bought, I can't imagine the day we buy a sofa, TV cabinet, shelves, dining table, etc...
Anyway, I think I'm really stuck in the past. The reality of this situation is that everyone else has moved on - But I cant. Reminiscing my past life has become a very unhealthy habit of mine here. I'm settling down somewhat but I think about Singapore alot. Almost constantly. To extent that it becomes nostalgic, enchanting even. Wierdly enough, the editing process of Countdown is what keeps me sane - It gives me some sort of purpose and meaning.
In way, I'm rather ambiguous about starting school. One one hand, going to university, especially at 17, quite frankly scares the shit out of me. On the other hand, I'm longing for a return to normlacy, routine, and stability in my life. The tranisitions I've undergone over the past month have really been incredibly disorienting and I find myself asking alot of questions and harboring alot of doubts about the world, God, and life in general. Those of you who know me will also know that I'm not an especially spiritual or religious person but I've been kinda wondering where God is in all of this and what His plan is for my life - Especially since I've been absent from church for the past 3 weeks. I need to start praying and and finding a church. Speaking of needs, I also need a friend, damnit. Life sucks when you're alone. Gosh this entry has been so disjointed. Hope thats not symbolic =S
Update 83-01 Update 83-01 Random Complaints 13th September 2006 12:15 AM
Editing pisses me off. Sitting at the computer for four to five hours at a stretch doing the same scene over and over again sucks when one has no inspiration whatsoever. Don't worry. I'll press on nonetheless - Though I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on how I'm doing so far and how I might do the rest of the scenes... (Refer to previous post) so that I can move on and not harp about it. Hi Amy. How ya doing? And Jack, whoever you are, do know that I did not want a Honda CR-V. My parents choose it and I respect their decision. Its a black CRV, btw. Stupid blardy tagboard doesnt allow me to post. Grr.
Tea in Amerika sucks. I went out of my way (To Chinatown; not even stopping to eat real Asian food) to buy Lipton tea and Carnation milk. I went back triumphantly to my place to make a good cup of teh but it turned out horrible. Something is fundamentally unfavorable in the water here for teh. It just doesn't turn out right somehow even with the exact same ingredients like the Lipton teabags and Carnation milk. Hmm.
Hey Malcolm, my favorite (And only) tagboard spammer, could you e-mail those links to me plesae? I somehow cannot access them from the tagboard. Btw could you also tell me how to neutralize halogen white balance? Also, I need to figure out how to make a voice wav. file sound as if its emitting from a radio and phone. (For phone scenes and radios for Slow's listening in the car scene) Lastly, I had to bug on this, but have the DVDs been done? Yes yes, I know you're having exams so I apologize. Please e-mail me (Not tag me) if you need further discussion or clarification.
Jeff, could you please tell me how I can extract the SWAT 4 sound effects? They're in some totally random file configuration which I cannot access or edit. Additionally, your voiceovers aren't clear enough on the editor. They're wayy to muffled - Even to be coming out of a phone or radio. Would you mind re-recording with a better mic? Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks. Do e-mail me too.
Ben soh, sorry to push but hows the Glock shipment coming along? Do you need my address? By the way, could you tell me how to do the '24' slide transition thing whereby the footage moves/shrinks to a certain segment of the screen in order for split screen conversations to occur, etc? I was toying with Premiere's scene transitions for almost 4 hours yesterday and still can't seem to get it. Let me know as well. Thanks.
Btw, if any of you who are reading this is from 5.14, could you please help me move any of my random stuff from the back of the classroom and dump it into the infamous gun armory cupboard? This is, of course, asuming it hasn't been destroyed or thrown away by HKP. If not, just take everything (Pirated DVDs, prop bomb, boxes, spare gun parts, etc. etc.) and throw it into the cupboard. Many thanks. Will post again tomorrow with more orders. Heh. Do comment on footage and e-mail me. Kthxbye.
- posted by BLT @ 1:03 PM(5) comments
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Update 82-01 Update 82-01 Countdown Conversation 12th September 2006 11:40 AM
Hello. Still not internet. Its getting a bit pissing off. I can only come online when the office opens - Which is around 11 AM (2 AM SG time), so I doubt I can see ya'll. Would be great if you could e-mail though. Malcolm, could you yousendit the thing to me please? I doubt you'll be online anytime soon at 1 or 2 AM so I think it would be better if you could send it to me via e-mail.
Ah yes, business: Countdown editing is going rather slow cuz I'm a bit sian most of the time without anyone to help me out. I did the conversation scene though - Downloadable HERE. Apart from being a first draft and that its also in its rawest form, it has also been compressed drastically to reduce size, so please bear with it. Suggestions regarding acting, ting, music, coloration, mood, etc. would be much appreciated. I threw it Kung Fu Hustle Axe Gang music for kicks. Enjoy and comment. Thanks. If you think it sucks, watch THIS. It may change your mind.
Hmmm strangely enough I miss eating authentic Asian food. I've not eaten any for the past 2 weeks, of course excluding Americanized chinese 'takeaways'; i.e. Panda Express and Little Chinatown which come in little pint-sized boxes you see in the movies. I must head down to Chinatown sometime soon when I get a car. Wait. I already have a car. Oh yeah. My parents just bought a new car - The same new car. Honda CRV. Gah. I wanted a different car but oh well. For the same price they paid they could've gotten a Mercedes - But my mum doesnt like the smell. *grumbles* Nevermind. Doesn't mean much to me when I get my own car. Muahahha!
Grr its been 2 weeks since I've left. I miss ya'll like crazy. Damnit must not get emo.
- posted by BLT @ 11:52 AM(0) comments
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Update 81-01
Update 81-01 Still no internet 10th September 2006 2:52 PM
Mal. Chill the hell out. Relax. Seriously. By DVDs I meant only the random movies - Which should'nt be more than 4+. I thought we clarified this already. I DO NOT NEED SOG FOOTAGE NOW. Got it? I only want my random movies. Don't need to spam my tagboard you shithead. Sorry. I hate it when people spam boards. Like wtf man. I think I got the idea. You could at least be a little more discreet and EMAIL ME. Now I have to do some techie stuff and get rid of your angry wtf posts. It pisses me off but nevermind. Understandable. I will pass you the proj file for a 15 min version of BLINDED. As I said earlier on MSN, the 15 min version merely EXCLUDES CREDITS. NOTHING ELSE. THE VIDEO IS CUT AT 15:02 - THATS IT. And Mal, we forgot to include certain people on the credits list for your Lvoe Film. I will sort this out with you when I get online again. (Hopefully sometime soon)
Anyhow, I'm at my friend's place right now borrowing his computer. Will not have internet until Thursday but I will borrow the appartment office manager's computer whenever I can on a daily basis. Comments on the video were appreciated. Hmm. Any suggestions on what tint I should use? Would be helpful. Yes, Kani is sending me some stuff. Any of you wanna' pass stuff to him, please do. Thanks. Not to big though cuz' otherwise he has to pay extra charges on top of the already expensive mail services getting the package here. We're still car hunting. Its very irritating, to say the least because every car both has its good and bad points. I find it increasingly frustrating. My appartment over here is rather nice: Has the usual facilities like a swimming pool, gym, business center, function room, etc. I daresay its slightly better than Tessarina except its only two floors tall. I have no idea why but every building in California seems to be less than three stories in height.
That's all I can think of for now. Again, I sincerely apologize to Mal but you honestly need to sit back, relax, take a chill pill and calm down. Gosh exams must be getting to ya'll *Sniggers*. School must be starting soon huh? Mine starts in about 3 weeks. Good luck to ya'll starting school; exams must be coming so the stress level must be elevating. Wish everyone all the best and good lucking in school. Hope everything goes alright. Try to keep talking, okay? Thanks everyone!
- posted by BLT @ 3:04 PM(0) comments
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Update 80-01 Update 80-01 No internet 9th September 2006 1:03 PM
Hello! This isn't a 'proper' update (If there is such a thing). Just a random quickie. I moved into my apparments - More description on that later. I guess I'm doing alright but I don't have internet set up yet. So I'm now borrowing the office computer of the management office. Don't have much time. So anyway, sorry for being so beaurocratic here but things need to get done:
1. Ben Soh send my glock 2. Malcrum burn DVDs and pass to Mich 3. Mich pass DVDs to Kani 4. Kani send DVDs + whatever to me. You know my address 5. Malcrum burn a 15:02 minute version of BLINDED for Canon
Thats all I can think of to boss people around now. Sorry about that. Btw I made a short clip dedicated to Kai Lun (And to also prove that I've not been slacking all this time). Its not very long. Just 4 deaths of Kai Lun available HERE.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Update 79-01 Update 79-01 Moving 8th September 2006 9:00 PM
Am moving today to the new appartment! YAY! Finally! Haha. Can't wait to move in and establish by base of operations. Muhahaha. I can't type a long post today again because we're pretty busy moving and all so this'll just be a brief update. We still haven't gotten a new car yet - Although we did meet a really nice car sales guy who for the first time in history didn't think Singapore was a part of China/Japan/Indonesia. Kinda' felt bad not buying from him but nevermind. The other car (The one with no window) has been returned to the car rental company. Luckily for us, insurance covers the damage I think. Phew. Thanks to everyone for their care and concern over MSN haha. Fortunately (Or unfortunately to some of you), I'm fine. Thanks though.
As we're moving in now, I'm not really sure whether internet has been fully set up yet. I'll try and leech of someone's wireless network but I'm not sure how it'll go. I MAY be out of contact for the next few days or so, but rest assured, I'll be busy working my ass of on Countdown! I'll get something out soon, I think...
Arrgh it's one week since I left and although it may not seem like it from my posts, I miss ya'll like crazy!! Gah. I wasnt sure whether I'm doing the right thing here, but I guess after some pressure from those of you who watched David's farewell video and also want to see the farewell video Ali did for me, I'll put it up online. It's available HERE. To be honest, I'm not fully comfortable putting something so private up online but I guess for a limited time only, those of you who said stuff for me at least deserve a right to see the video. Anyhow, that's all I have for now. Till the next time I come online, see ya!
Oh I finally got the airport pics from Jun Wei. Thanks man.
I have no clue why, but some jackass Jun Wei took that in black and white. Nevermind. In a non sarcastic, cynical way, I'm grateful nonetheless(: Thanks.
- posted by BLT @ 6:00 PM(0) comments
Update 78-01 Update 78-01 Shattered 7th September 2006 5:03 PM
A really short entry. Just wanna recount what happened today. We were driving along the freeway today and suddenly there's this loud noise. BANG. Simultaneously, the window on my dad's side of the car shatters into a million pieces. The ENTIRE windscreen disintigrates into smithereens. Glass fragments two centimeters big are richocheting everywhere. The car is covered in bits of glass.
Thankfully, no one is hurt. I don't know what it was. Could've been a rock fragment or it could have been a bullet. I swear there was a bang before it hit although if it indeed was a bullet my dad would probably be dead by now. Hmm. Everything went past so quickly I'm not very sure what happened. One second I'm sitting in the car peacefully and bang - The next thing I know there's glass flying all over the place... Haha yeah I know I'm repeating myself; guess I'm a little shaken. Not much happened after that: Pulled over to the side of the road and this guy in a towtruck offers to tow us out of there for free. We declined and drove to the nearest supermarket to call the car company.
Update 77-01 Update 77-01 Another Day 6th September 2006 3:00 PM
Originally planned to write yet another long entry but decided against it. I think that would be an emo entry one too many. Nothing much happened today. Just went to the university health center to get two injections costing US$150. *Grumbles* I'm feeling a little queezy now - From the loss of cash, not the jab. And this is already considered 'cheap' because the university provides medical insurance and other coverage, for a 'nominal' fee. I'm pretty worried about my parents though - They have no insurance whatsoever and my mum is a former cancer patient. Mmm.
My parents are out now, looking around for a good car to buy, so I'm sitting here in the motel organizing my harddisks and whatever other nonsense I can lay my hands on. I'll take up Shawn's suggestion and make a short clip dedicated to Kai Lun. I'm not kidding. Give me a day or two. Meanwhile, I've also put up some of the pictures I took over my last week in Singapore. Available here. It will also be a permanent feature of the sidebar under the new 'Pictures' category. Any picture hosting sites to recommend? Currently using Shutterfly (Thanks for the help Amy!), not only is the quality of the image reduced drastically but it's also downsized; which kind of sucks considering I used a DSLR.
Someone recommended me this video. About this guy trying to get to know Steven Spielberg, its very well shot and rather intriguing. Definately recommended. Watch it here: PART I & PART II. Anyhow, thats all I gotta say for now. Thanks Dim, Ivan, and DT for chatting with me haha. It helps. Anyhow, await my next emo post!
Update 76-01 Update 76-01 Back To Life 5th September 2006 11:15 PM
I'm in another motel now, that isn't that bad. Its actually pretty decent. Contrary to my initial beliefs, there IS internet. Lucky me. Now for bad news (Which usually comes with good news). We'll only be able to move into the appartments on Friday. Manager promised us to expedite it but it doesn't look that hopefully. I can't wait. Ah well. Just gotta tahan a bit more of this living out of a suitcase lifestyle. To look on the bright side, at least I can give more random insights into my new American life. What should I rant about today? Hmm let's see... We just came back from shopping, rather scouting, for stuff. I don't think we can buy anything until we get the appartment. I'm feeling rather alienated and in a somewhat surreal holiday mood; simply put, not at all settled. My life here still feels quite temporary and makeshift. With the appartment, hopefully we can buy stuff for reals and make home seem a little more like home.
Anyway, enough about the appartment (Or lack of). Its a very mixed feeling buying stuff all over again. Comparatively speaking, it was much easier moving into a new place in America compared to Singapore. It only takes one day to settle your car and a week to get your appartment whereas it takes approximately a month or so in Singapore to get the same results. Nontheless, from big ticket items like cars and houses to everyday things taken forgranted like toothbrushes and cutlery, buying all this stuff again is both exciting and somewhat depressing at the same time. Its exciting cuz you get to start all over again, redesign your house to look the way you want it to be, add new furniture, customize the way your room looks, etc. but its a completely waste of time and money shopping for stuff you already have back at your old home. Sorry. Random rant.
On that note, I think it would be moderately interesting to discuss a little observation that I've made ever since moving here a mere 4, 5 days ago. They call Singapore a 'shopping paradise' but surprisingly enough, I somehow hardly ever feel compelled to buy stuff over there. Down here, on the other hand, I feel really tempted to breeze through Wal-Mart loading up my cart with stuff. Maybe its because I just got here and need to fill up an empty house... But really, I feel this sublime, yet pertinent urge to buy things here. Ironically enough, America, not widely recognized for its convenience, is a very easy place for shopping cuz its often the case that one can one can find anything and everything from groceries to gardening merchandise under a single roof; epitomized by hypermarkets like Wal Mart, K-Mart, or Target.
I've been doing alot of thinking, especially when shopping around for cars and what-not. I sort of wonder where my parents are getting the money to fund all these things. Shipping stuff here: $8,000. Plane tickets, including return tickets which we cant, and never will use: $5,000. Rent per month for upmarket appartment: $2,200. New sofa set: $3,000. New dining table & chairs: $1,000. Beds & Matresses: $2,000. Desk, chair, cupboards, lamps, other misc. furniture etc.: $2,000. Cell phone charges a month: $100. Cable & Internet fees a month: $150. Needless to say, its not exactly your typical budget vacation.
So as we hunted around for cars, I decided to be neutral on the decision-making process and not demand too much on my parents in terms of a high-end, prestige-luxury cars as I did when I was a superficial, materialistic kid. I believe I begged my parents to get a BMW or something just to fit into ACS a decade ago. Hopefully alot has changed since then haha. Sighs. Although my scholarship pays me a fine $300+ every month, it doesn't even come close to covering all our expenses. Out of a job for nearly a year now, I wonder what my parents have been doing to make ends meet. So yep. Sighs.
I don't intend for this to be another emo post - Considering it's just mostly random rants about the States... I suppose I just needed to articulate and get thse sentiments out of my system since I have no one else to talk to around here. I reckon we live really enchanted lives in Singapore. All our needs are taken care of and everything's so stable to the extent that it seems that all one needs to do there is just study really really hard. Trading liberty for security, I dare say I've led a rather fairytale life in Singapore. Because of that, I guess I've been taking that everything else forgranted. Hmm. Probably job searching for myself soon, the harsh reality that we're by no means financially well off is slowly sinking in. Guess it took 10,000 miles and 18 hour plane ride to wake me up to realize that. Life has never been this real.
- posted by BLT @ 5:03 PM(0) comments
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Update 75-01 Update 75-01 Out of Contact 4th September 2006 7:10 AM
Hey everyone I'll be out of contact for easily the next 2-3 days because the motel we're currently living in, Dynasty Suites, will be out of rooms from tomorrow onwards. We took forgranted that there wouldn't be any people taking the room so we were extending on a day-by-day basis. Guess that assumption proved wrong. We'll be going to the only other place nearby which is Motel 6 - Some roach infested $50-a-nite motel with no internet. Yeah. Gotta take some crap and rough it out a few days before the appartment gets ready. Apart from that, all's going alright I guess - Still sourcing around for furniture and cars, etc. Its really quite intense and tough. Anyhow, I'll probably edit tomorrow morning when I wake up. Tell then, good night!
Hello everyone! Thanks ben soh for the poem. I felt like slashing my wrists afterwards Its a bit on the cheem side though but I got the idea I think. Gosh I forgot you had a blog haha. Thanks man! Hey Lui, Dale, Sharmeen, and David. How ya'll doing? Oh this updated is dedicated to David's filming of the prequel to Countdown on Saturday. I loved the concept but... Unfortunately, they got busted by cops. No shit.
Yep. You get the idea. I've reviewed some of the stills and I must say it looks pretty damn promising. Oh well. I daresay it could've been much much much worse though; someone could've gotten hurt or shot at (Not with a camera, at that) and I suppose its good everyone got away unscathed and the cops didn't take down IC numbers or confiscate the cameras or props. They did stop the show though. Anyhow, you gotta re-shoot this okay, David?
More of the film industry here in America. I've just begun learning the ropes and networking with a whole bunch of local filmmakers around the area and man... Its a much bigger industry here. You have alot more paperwork for one. There actually is an established network for you to find an actor/actress, which is through this union called the Screen Actors Guild (Sound familiar, doesnt it?) and alot of other legal paperwork crap like applying for permits, etc. There actually IS a set protocol to filming stuff publically here in the States and its not so much of a legal gray area as it is in Singapore.
In America, most films are now being shot with High Definition as opposed to what we're currently shooting with (Standard Definition). Not only does it cost double the price, but one needs an incredibly fast computer during the editing process, etc. Basically, to cut away all the technical gibberish, I'm feeling pretty damn small here (Computer gamers will call this 'pwnzor-ed'... Wait, did I get that correct? Ah whatever!) Last night, ABC-7 ran a 5 minute feature on a bunch of independent filmmakers producing a bunch of short episodes for their online website -From what I saw, they're so much more professional and knowledgable than most local Singaporean filmmakers.
Filmmaking isn't some secondary school drop out course one takes at a polytechnic or vocational school - There are actually degrees for Film that are quite well respected; although I must admit that like anywhere else, job insecurity is still rather high. On that note, it strikes me that unlike Singaporeans, they aren't worried about money all that; this one guy has been eating cup noodles and frozen burritos everyday and taking advance paychecks to fund his film - True starving artists to say the least...
Update 73-01 Update 73-01 USA 2nd September 2006 5:21 PM
Hey everyone - Amy, Tim, Sern, Shawn, Kai Lun, Luke, TP, and... Erm... Mr Brown. Yes. Thanks for tagging guys. Nice seeing ya'll respond haha. Everytime I try to type stuff into the tagboard it goes 'Deactivate cookies'. I guess I'll acknowledge ya in the post itself. Gah. Stupid technorogries.
New poster by Malcrums as always. Yes, about this film: I will get down to doing it ASAP once I get my appartment set up with a desk and all. Right now its a bit too ad-hoc for my liking in this random motel. There aren't enough power points for my various harddisks etc. (And other random excuses)... But don't worry, I'll get it done eventually. For Malcrum, his own film, A Film About Lvoe, starring Tim Seow as the lead, is also available online for download HERE for the next 7 days. Won't be seeing much of his work until after his Sec 4 exams... Speaking of exams, ya'll have exams soon right? *Sniggers* Dont worry, I'll be starting school soon when you guys have exams so I'll have my own demons to confront then. I'll probably have exams in December or something - Though that doesn't mean you guys cant come. Must come okay? Gotta come visit me sometime; sometime soon at that.
I think we've most probably gotten an appartment already. Its this pretty happening place nestled in the hills. Quite upmarket with a fantastic view. You get to see the entire area from the drive down and stuff. Not bad overall. A little on the expensive side and a bit inaccessible (Cuz of the hill) but I guess its pretty decent. I'll take some pics soon don't worry. A DSLR would come in mighty useful right now.
Been drinking packet tehs heated by microwave because I don't have a kettle. I miss real teh damn badly. Yes even the SAC teh. Aunty gave me a teh peng on the house when I told her I was going away haha. Was rather touched. Someone mail those instant teh tarik packets over?
Got these 3 photos to post now. Thing about them is that I took all the pics on high quality DSLR resolution so they're about 3-4 MB each. I have to downsize and put them online individually so its taking quite some time. On a random side note I think my pimples are clearing up thanks to the dry weather. I'm not as acne plagued as usual though I still got a few of them left to kill. Okay. That was DAMN random. Guess this is what happens what you got no one to talk to =S
I'm slightly better I think... Not as sick... I hope... Especially after reading Jit's entry about his encounter on the train. Nevermind. I don't really think its jet lag cuz I'm not sleeping erratically at wierd hours - I'm just sleeping more in general. Its quite crazy and I hope I get over it soon if I wanna do anything. Need to furnish house, buy car, etc. Anyway, in the words of Forrest Gump, thats all I have to say about that... For now at least. Till the next update, bye!
- posted by BLT @ 2:22 AM(0) comments
Friday, September 01, 2006
Update 72-01 Update 72-01 USA 1st September 2006 6:32 PM
Ah I can't stick with an emo/angsty post for long (Yeah thanks for the sympathy Jeff..) so here's a little short update of my life in the US so far. As Seow said on the tag, I hope ya'll don't mind if I personalize this site a little more... Make it a little less business-like and more human until I get people here in America to boss around work for me. Do keep in contact okay guys? Try tagging. It encourages me alot and makes me feel people read this stupid site unlike private blogs. Yeah whatsup with password encoded/secret blogs eh?
In case ya'll don't know (Or weren't informed by me until damn last min - Sorry Sharmeen), I'm currently in the United States of America... For a very very *ahem* long *ahem* vacation. For more details, listen to this. I will return... Next December When I become very big guy and gahmen wants my talents.
Anyway, how am I? Well let's just say I'm a little stonned. Not a little. Damn friggin stonned. I slept at 12 AM last night and woke up at 3 PM... You get the idea. Hope I'm not getting sick - Not home sick at that. Like really, really sick - Sore throat and all. Am groggy/stonned/tired all the time. Feels as if I'm drunk/on drugs/smoking - Without actually doing anything. C'mon! Where's the fun in that? On a more serious note, pray for me... Cuz I gotta get an appartment, a car (Not my own, unfortunately), telephone, furniture, etc. really soon so I can settle down and feel a little less alienated.
I'm missing ya'll damn badly. Really badly. Sighs. (Yes damnit I say the word 'sighs'). I'll put up pics soon don't worry. I took over 2,000 of them on my last week in Singapore. Thanks for the DSLR, Jun Wei. They'll come around on flickr or here... Eventually... Anyhow, do please continue MSN-ing and tagging. It helps. Will update soon when I'm more emo. Oh btw thanks for all the presents and cards everyone. Read them all on the plane and started crying. The dude next to me was like 'wtf'. Also, I was really really touched by the 2 farewell videos. Gosh. I better log off before I start angst-ranting again.
- posted by BLT @ 3:33 AM(0) comments