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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Update 79-01
Update 79-01
8th September 2006
9:00 PM

Am moving today to the new appartment! YAY! Finally! Haha. Can't wait to move in and establish by base of operations. Muhahaha. I can't type a long post today again because we're pretty busy moving and all so this'll just be a brief update. We still haven't gotten a new car yet - Although we did meet a really nice car sales guy who for the first time in history didn't think Singapore was a part of China/Japan/Indonesia. Kinda' felt bad not buying from him but nevermind. The other car (The one with no window) has been returned to the car rental company. Luckily for us, insurance covers the damage I think. Phew. Thanks to everyone for their care and concern over MSN haha. Fortunately (Or unfortunately to some of you), I'm fine. Thanks though.

As we're moving in now, I'm not really sure whether internet has been fully set up yet. I'll try and leech of someone's wireless network but I'm not sure how it'll go. I MAY be out of contact for the next few days or so, but rest assured, I'll be busy working my ass of on Countdown! I'll get something out soon, I think...

Arrgh it's one week since I left and although it may not seem like it from my posts, I miss ya'll like crazy!! Gah. I wasnt sure whether I'm doing the right thing here, but I guess after some pressure from those of you who watched David's farewell video and also want to see the farewell video Ali did for me, I'll put it up online. It's available HERE. To be honest, I'm not fully comfortable putting something so private up online but I guess for a limited time only, those of you who said stuff for me at least deserve a right to see the video. Anyhow, that's all I have for now. Till the next time I come online, see ya!

Oh I finally got the airport pics from Jun Wei. Thanks man.

I have no clue why, but some jackass Jun Wei took that in black and white. Nevermind. In a non sarcastic, cynical way, I'm grateful nonetheless(: Thanks.

- posted by BLT @ 6:00 PM
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