Update 133-01 Update 133-01 Next film 30th March 9:20 PM
I'm waiting for my friend to come over and edit. He's bringing a sleeping bag so I'm guessing it'll be another long, sleepless night staring at a computer screen. Sighs... Just like old times...
I have officially wasted my holidays trying to figure out what to do for my next film.I currently lack any ideas, though we have came up with the following pyramid to guide us in the long, arduous journey ahead.
We're currently at Stage I. I aim to reach Stage IV by next year.
Update 132-01 Update 132-01 Exams!!!! 20th March 9:30 PM
YAY!!!! Exams are finally OVER!!! Unfortunately, I was really badly prepared this quarter. I doubt I'll get the same stellar grades I did last time. I'll probably get all Bs (80+) or something. For one class, I didn't read a single page out of its 10 books and for another, I started reading the material the day before the exam itself. As a result, I resorted to gimmicks and other 'smoke and mirror effects' as my dead (literally) line drew closer. Philosophy:
I complimented my TA and said he looked like Keanu Reeves. Which is sorta true, actually. He wears trench coats and his continually pasty all the time. Hopefully he remembers me when he marks my very very long-winded 9 page essay about the problem of evil and human nature.
US Politics:
This class was pretty similar to the stuff I used to take in Singapore. Damn content-based and require critical thinking. Invested the most amount of time in this subject but ended up putting stupid answers when asked who the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court was. My answer: Jonathan McClure. Modern Political Ideologies:
I constantly sleep in this course because the lecturer drones on and on without remorse. I never read any of his books and only studied the outline 30 minutes before the test. In the end, it was worth it because I wouldn't have known how to answer this question even if I had studied.
"India and Pakistan are about to go to war (again). Pretend you are writing a letter to the Indian Prime Minister stating why he should adopt Gandhi's principles in order to resolve the crisis. (50 Points)"
Bloody hell... 50 Points??? Anyway, I contemplating a myriad variety of unusual responses to this essay before launching into one of my standard maximum-Bullshit essay that didn't really answer the question but did in a very warped sort of way. I hope I can full the guy that marks it. I signed off the 'letter' as:
Your Chief Adviser & Closet Confidante,
Luke Vijay
Luke if you're reading this, I hope you appreciate the irony.
My English teacher is essentially a reincarnate of Carrie Cheah in both physical form and mannerisms. As such, my bullshit levels did not work on her at all!!!!!! Bleah ): Hence, I decided to offset my inadequacies by writing her a 20 page essay. In case you're wondering, the recommended page number is 4. You get the idea. We had a rather intriguing encounter today when I handed in my essay.
Teacher: “Is that a book?” (Indicating my long, thick stack of papers) Me: “Yeah. Hopefully you'll give me a Pulitzer.” Teacher: “Sure... As long as it isn't as verbose, long-winded, and complex as your previous work...” Me: (With nervous laughter): “No no... Of course not... Here, have a Countdown DVD.”
So I gave her a copy of Countdown as a cheap/desperate gimmick. Hopefully it'll blow her away.
This class was hard. I earnestly tried my best but I doubt I'll get beyond a B. I think you can tell how hard an exam is by the 'freebies' they throw in to salvage what's left of your grade.
I'm wondering if they discriminate against color-blind people though...
Update 131-01 Update 131-01 Black Comedy - II 16th March 10:24 PM
Congrats to everyone involved in Black Comedy. I was about to say it took some balls for Reuben to shave his head but then I realized he was playing the gay character. Nevermind. Kudos to everyone!!! I'm sure all the hardwork, dedication, and creativity of all cast and crew paid off in the end. I would've been there to celebrate the event myself but my Lear Jet broke down. Ah well.
I miss the esprit de corps of ACS. Sighs ): Curse you David Liu for not filming the play for me. Curse you too SG Gahmen for forcing him to book into camp!
In the little that I can do from 10,000 miles away, I've nonetheless decided to honor ya'll firstly by putting up the pre-show vid made by Malcolm:
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Update 130-01 Update 130-01 PSA 11th March 4:09 PM
Okay I need a favor. Basically, the university has persuaded us to take part in some youtube competition for this stupid Homecoming Video which we totally improvised to the max. The thing is, we're supposed to win by garnering the most number of online-views. Unfortunately, this competition has been going on for months and basically we just put up our video online... Lets see, two days ago... And this thing ends in about a week or so. You get the idea. Basically, I need you loyal viewers (If any) of this site to watch the video below - Send the link to your friends and family! It's not really that important that they watch the entire clip... We just need the views haha. Speaking of which, can someone tell me if refreshing Youtube gets you a 'view' count?
Anyway, here it is... Again:
Thanks! (: To reward you for your generosity and benevolence, I will treat you to dinner when you come to Amerika. But until then, you can feast your eyes upon this:
We were supposed to do some class project thing and we forgot about it until about 2 hours before it was due (What's new, eh?) Since one of our members has a 60's style bread (For a stage play), we got inspired to do some totally impromptu, satirical spoof of a 1950's Public Service Announcement about video game violence and obesity.
On other fronts, my friend bought a new gas gun. It's HUGE.
I have come to also realization that there is a reason why most drive-bys end in failure with bullets hitting unintended targets or innocent bystanders. I decided to put it to the test by shooting up the book I use to take notes with. Yes, that was the extent of my frustration. Anyway, shooting half a clip normally gets you this result:
However, shooting sideways or 'poppin caps', a la 'Gangsta' style into a book gets you this:
Only 6 out of 20 rounds hit the book! So that's why this happens (Watch the vid! It kicks ass!):
Looking at the Calender, I've realized that my exams are a week from now. But the weather here is increasingly becoming somewhat like the climate reminiscent of Singa-Bloody-Pore: i.e. Friggin hot... But dry (Thankfully). It's making me incredibly lethargic and unwilling to study (Or maybe that's just my excuse). Curse this stupid weather!!
Coincidentally enough, I got 20,000hits on this site on March 6th - Exactly a year from when I installed a visit ticker on this plog!! Check it out on the sidebar. How cool eh? Either I have some semblance of web popularity or I've been clicking refresh too many times...
In order to salvage my declining interest in blogging, I'm taking comfort in the former.
Update 129-01 Update 129-01 Alpha Lambda Delta 6th March:29 AM
Interesting. I got a fancy-pancy, special-paper letter in the mail today from this 'Honors Society' called Alpha Lambda Delta – Yeah I know... What a mouthful. Apparently, they want me to join because of my 'outstanding academic achievement that has a cumulative GPA higher than 3.5'. Supposedly only 70 ++ get selected per cohord (Quite small if you considering the Freshman class has 5,000 people). Anyway, if wondering if I should join – They claim it'll enhance my resume greatly but I'm balking because I've heard all the horror stories about Fraternities, hazing and what-not. Hmmph. I wonder if they genuinely want me or this is just some gimmick to get me to pay annual membership dues and buy club T-Shirts.
I think I'll go check it out with a Glock tucked under my sleeve. I should be safe as long as its not some cover club for an underground NRA meeting. Then again, this is Amerika...
On other fronts, I woke up at 6 AM today to do my group's presentation. As per always, I was left with the responsibility of jacking up all the distracting graphics stuff that throws smoke and mirrors at the teacher in order to hide our substantial lack of content. I just koped the power point I made for Michelle's IOP – Which had a bunch of pictures taken by Cassandra and Kentay (Which I claimed I took, of course.) I also had a few picture of my own inside courtesy of the time I stole borrowed John's DSLR for a week over the last general election.
The teacher took a keen interest with the pictures and asked me to explain several of them. Our topic, by the way, was on the quality of school teachers on the American public education system:
Teacher: What's this supposed to mean?
Me: Uhh – It's a metaphorical representation of how education, like water, trickles down from the teachers to the students. (That's actually a Long-kang, btw)
Teacher: And this?
Me: A umm.... Physical manifestation of a student's alienation and detachment from societial norms. (It IS Bloke, after all...)
Teacher: What about this one?
Me: Erm... That is a symbolic picture that represents how we often shield ourselves behind the fan of sociological comforts in order to dissuade anti-establishment views.
Teacher: *Eyebrows raised*: Right... And why's this picture in there?
Me: Oh this one's simple... Yes... Umm... Well... We feel immense and gargantuan guilt at our inability to grasp the innately horrific and selfish motives of our species that we end end up slashing our metaphysical wrists in order to relive ourselves of the unbearable pain....
Teacher *Slightly stunned*: Okay what about this one then?
Me: Ah yes... You see, teachers are like light bulbs... In the darkness. They light up their surroundings and shine like flaming torches that guide the paths of their students in order to impart upon them values and beliefs that will lead to a successful life ahead.
Teacher: Oh-kay... What's the 27 for then? Me: Ah! You see, the number 27 represents the average number of students in an elementary school class...
Update 128-01 Update 128-01 Black Comedy 3rd March 2007 12:21 AM
As they need to sell 2,400 tickets and are unlikely to reach their target without BLT's help, I've decided to put ACDC's latest Black Comedy Drama Trailer online. Check it out and buy tickets now!! (:
Disclaimer: 50% of all profits go to the 'Save BLT From Exile Fund'