Update 148-01
Update 148-01
First Year Anniversary
30th August 2007
11:54 PMWell, well well. Looks like exactly a year ago on this very same day,
August 30th, 2006, I decided to depart the comfortable, relaxing shores of Singapore in order to embark upon what will probably be the greatest expedition and gamble of my life. That’s right – Today, August 30th, 2007, marks the official 1st Year Anniversary of my life here in the United States of America, a.k.a. the US and A. As clichéd as this sounds, and it does sound cliché, it seems as if it were only yesterday that Darren and I were singing ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ in good ole’ 5.14; even though it’s been a year, I still wake up EVERY morning and look out the window expecting to somehow magically reappear back in Tessarina gazing at the skyline of Bukit Timah below me.
I’ve been asked this question many times by many different people over the past few months and it still sticks out quite pertinently in my mind: Do you regret coming here? Taking a moment to reflect upon the life that I’ve lived, the trials that I’ve overcome, and the experiences that have so greatly enriched my life, I can resoundingly say that until this day, I am still unsure of what my answer is.
Laugh at wavering indecision and ‘cup-half-empty’ outlook if you will, but I really have to honestly admit that I still miss all you folks back in Singapore. Even though I have relatively settled down here in the US with the fluff of another huge action flick, near-perfect GPA, Honors Program, making really awesome friends and achieving the Dean’s List, I can’t quite shake the feeling that I still persistently miss Sunny Island. This despite many successes here: I got my driver’s permit, was chosen to be on the ‘Chancellor’s List’, and invited to join the student government on campus just last week. Despite all these triumphs, I still yearn for the familiar smell of Roti Prata at the corner shop, teh tarik at the hawker center, and carrot cake at the local food court. Moreover, food is one thing, but I still really long for my friends, such as you, good readers, who have been an integral part and parcel of my life for sooo many years.
I always wanted to come to the US to earn my degree, and if given a choice to repeat history, I would’ve still come here inevitably. However, what I might hold back on is having come so early. Needless to say, going to university at 16/17 is no ordinary experience. Although the countless things I’ve experienced here are inherently unique, I can’t help but wonder about the priceless other events that I missed with my ACSI cohort. We can’t always win every battle or have our cake and eat it so I suppose this is a classic example of my mind trying to futilely turn back the time and contemplate many absurd ‘what if I had…’ scenarios.
So do I regret leaving? Yes and no. Yes because I still miss you friends and food dearly, but no because I would’ve never missed an education here for the world. Whether or not my gargantuan sacrifice is worth it will be something to judge twenty years from now (Assuming the ISD haven’t found me and I’m still alive then, of course). Even though I have had my success here, nothing will ever replace or recreate the immense pain and nostalgia I’ve grown to associate with Singapore. Frankly, for all its idiosyncrasies and faults, it’s really a place where I can say ‘this is home, truly.’ (Hur hur)
Funny how life is so bloody ironic, ain’t it?
Ultimately, even though I will probably never see my native shores again, I will always be here for you, my comrades, friends, and classmates. If you ever find yourself stranded (God forbid!) in Amerika, you will always have a warm bed in my house, a hot cup of imitation BLT-brewed teh, badly cooked Asian food, and all the frozen burritos you want to last you a lifetime. Even though I know that I am but a passing glance in the deep labyrinths of your minds undoubtedly stressing about IB Prelims, or a faint memory of a distant lost cause in the recess of your psyche, please know that I will always be here if you ever need me, be it in person, on the phone, or online in the form of MSN and Facebook (I know many of you, like me, are Facebook whores now!!!)
I am an only child, but you, dear friends, are my own flesh and blood – People I would gladly call my brothers and sisters any day. So as you head out tomorrow for your last day of ‘proper’ school, I would like you to know that it has been a proud privilege being a part of your lives back in Singapore, having lots of fun times together, and working together towards the goals, dreams, and aspirations we share. Ultimately, I hope and pray with utmost sincerity that our relationships can grow together regardless of physical distance, and that we seek solace in one another through all the trials and tribulations of life in the years to come.
The Best Is Yet to Be.
Oh, and before I forget, GF HL and GG with your exams haha.
You *might* need it.

Labels: First Year Anniversary