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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Update 109-01
Update 109-01
29th November 2006
7:31 PM

Hey guys? Guess what? WE WON CANON FILM FESTIVAL 2006!!!!


Haha no. We didn't. We got absolutely... NOTHING. Zip. Zero. Nada.


This seems to be a disturbing trend. In EVERY film festival that I participate in, every damn competition that I join, I always get beat my 'philosophical' abstract and experimental arthouse films!! Ugh! Why do independent commercial films have to be oxymoronic? Can't people recognize the creativity and innovation involved in making an epic action film without the aid of studios or proper talents? Grr. Its really infuriating how people with a hand phone camera or handycam can just waltz around their house filming completely random, useless objects like cups, tables, chairs, or the family dog, dub an apparently 'deep', random voiceover that gives off the slightest hints of intellectual provocation, and win countless competitions along the festival circuit geared towards the promotion of such crap.

There is ZERO filmmaking talent involved, a crap storyline (If ANY in the first place), and a totally retarded underlying messages that range from 'you must slash your wrist, angsty kid', to 'this cup is symbolic of my life at work' . I've seen films which just depicted some random fat guy getting up from bed and turning on his PlayStation Two (With random voiceover) score at dozens of festivals worldwide. I don't get it. Ever since this loss at the hands of the forces of darkness (Again), I have vowed to put destroying artsy films one of my top priorities after my lifelong 'Obliterate Singapore' ambition. Unfortunately, the probability of me succeeding is about as high as the probability of me destroying Singapore... Which is... Pretty damn high in my opinion!

No, not really. Gosh I'm feeling damn sarcastic today.

Oh before I forget, please go watch Ivan's Jack the RIPPER Beansprout. I've been paid 40% of the profits to say watch it I've heard its really good and stuff so please set aside a night for some laughter.

Seriously though – I would've probably snuck in bought tickets if I was back there right now. I've always been a moderate fan of W!ld Rice since I watched Return of the Tai Tai (Don't ask why) So please go watch, you won't be disappointed! I heard you can get discount from Ivan so please go buy your tickets now!!

/End Public Service Announcement

Since several of you have expressed interest in my personal life (Or lack thereof) and my happenings in America, I shall oblige. Basically, I've been EXTREMELY sick over the past 5 days. I swear its the Prata. Long story short, I down with the WORST gastric flu I've had in my life – Of all things, over Thanksgiving. Yeah, that's right. I didn't get to eat any turkey. All I've been having for the past week or so has been soup, porridge, and soup again. This has to be one of the best Thanksgivings ever... Anyway, I'm better now (Hopefully) so I'm back with a vengeance to my old cynical and sarcastic self. No, in case you're wondering, gastric flu does NOT affect one's mental state (At least I don't think so...).

It's been four friggin' months but I'm still homesick. WTF is up with that. Seriously. You're supposed to get over missing the Motherland in like a week or two. I have no idea why at all! It's incredibly furstrating that I think about Singapore EVERY DAMN DAY. It's as if I can't get over it. It's always at the back of my mind. Even when I see things happening around me, my mind will go 'Hey what if I did that in Singapore...' (This is before I slap myself). So yeah. For the sake of my sanity, I wish to consciously erase my past life, but I really can't. You buffoons have been a part of my life for far too long haha. This is crazy. As much as I try, I cannot forget Singapore and my friends left behind – Which strikes me as rather weird cuz when one escapes from hell, one does not ever look back.


- posted by BLT @ 3:35 AM
Nawww... they only won because they slept with the judges.

I'm totally serious; it's true. I pinky-swear!

No lies here!

P.S. still too lazy to enable cookies.
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