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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Update 101-01
Update 101-01
4th November 2006
8:11 AM

Countdown is finally over. I cant quite get over that fact somehow. I had hated Countdown so damn much when it was in post-production - To the extent that even my MSN Nick proclaimed 'I HATE EDITING'. Now that its done and over however, I feel a certain sense of emptiness about my life. I guess it had provided some sort of distraction when I was settling in down here - Qf purpose and meaning to life. Its been an integral part of my life for so long that now that its gone, I sorta crave it back. Heh. What a love-hate relationship.

Now I know what having a girlfriend is like hahaha.

Anyway please vote for BLINDED, currently in the Finals of the Canon Film Festival, HERE. The website is pretty screwed up and I think you can vote more than once under a different name! Unethical but rather humorous at the same time.

I've wanted to get into Canon for such a long time that its sadly ironic that when I finally get it after 3 years of endless hardwork, determination, and labor, I can't even go. Sighs. Its so irritatingly ambivalent and paradoxical.

After a year, I think we've come quite a long way haha. Check out an exerp from the very first post on this site on 31st Oct 2005.

The body armor guy calls me and says he's willing to sell 9 vests at $600+ (originally $800). I'm supposing I'll agree because Kevlar vests are somewhat of a rarity. We shall be traveling to Beach Road and Salvation Army tomorrow to hook up with 'Andy', our Army supplier contact; maybe we'll even make a side trip to Sim Lim Square to check out camera supplies.

Haha I remember some time 2 years ago I said I was gonna get a SWAT team and everyone laughed their asses off at me for 15 minutes. Heh. How things have changed!

Despite editing being over and hence granting me new found freedom, I haven't studied for all my exams this week; but I suppose I did okay in the end *Fingers crossed*. During one of my Sociology exams, I forgot to bring the OTAS sheet so I thought I was screwed and would lose all my points. Thankfully, the TA (Teacher's Assistant)very kindly let me go out of the examination hall to the bookstore to buy the damned sheet. I was genuinely astonished by such kindess. I'm pretty sure you never see this kind of thing in Singapore. "No OTAS sheet arh? Fail lor!"

Sociology rocks. For our assignment this week, we are ordered to go do something that 'violates the norm' - AKA do something stupid. According to the professor, previous years did things like walk around in a ski mask in downtown LA during broad daylight, sing in an elevator, and ask your parents when was the last time they made love. (Think crazy MTV 'Whatever Things')

On a rather ominous note, the haze as followed me here. Some jackass decided to burn up the forest and so now everything is a lil' cloudy. Thankfully, its not even remotely health-hazardous - Its just a bit irritating and somewhat depressing.

How symbolic.

- posted by BLT @ 7:54 AM
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