Update 100-01
Update 100-01
29th October 2006
11:04 AM
I never thought I'd hear the likes of it but I am estatic to annouce that Countdown is finally out! Coincidentally, apart from being our
100th post, today is the
13338 visitors as of March 6th this year and countless others since this website's beginning in Oct 29th 2005, I dare say we've done pretty well over the year having produced a great deal of films and even a drama play, The Vault, to boot. Anyway, without further ado, I would like to proudly present Countdown:
CountdownBloopers (This is really funny)If you liked what you saw, please try to comment and rate the video too. Theese links will also become a permanent fixture of our 'Links' column. Alternatively, its also available for download for the next 14 days
HERE (Bloopers), HERE (Download Site #1), and HERE (Download Site #2). I sent an e-mail about the yousendit downloads to your respective e-mails (Might be in your junk mailboxes). Do download them as mementos or something and distribute them if you can.
If you would like a high quality version of Countdown (The rest are all very compressed), pass me your physical address and I'll airmail a DVD copy of Countdown to ya. This promotion as a part of our 1st anniversary is
FREE for a limited time only!
You don't have to be a member of this production to get your copy of a DVD. Order one today! Haha that was damn blatently shamless. Anyway, the point is: Do circulate the film around as much as possible on your MSN Messenger nicks or blogs. Frankly, the film has its shortcomings (Acting, I've been told, is a bit
off), but I nonetheless believe that this is the best film we've done thus far so let's be proud of it and go for maximum publicity! (:
I promised everyone CAS hours so please stay in contact for that too. Now that the film's done, I'll be filling out the various AEP, Proposal, and Excel sheets to facilitate the acquisition of hours for your IB Diplomas. Do check this site regularly for updates regarding this. Don't worry, I'll make sure I give you guys as many hours as possible =P
I will probably be sending Countdown in for competitions in the immediate future as soon as I can attain original music to use (Festivals don't allow films to use copyrighted music). On that note, if you have any suggestions/comments/feedback/hard criticisms/opinions, etc. about the film, please
DO NOT hesitate to let me know. Feel free to say anything you want. No hard feelings, alright? Pending your feedback, I will continue making many more amendments and improvements in the near future in order to prefect and engineer this film for competitions - So keep em coming.
Speaking of competitions, BLINDED, the film we did around this time last year is in the finals of the
Canon Film Festival. There'll be a press screening on November the 2nd or 3rd so do look out for us on the 9 O'clock news. In all likelihood, there will be a semblance of democracy in the competition whereby one can actually
VOTE for the best film online. I'll e-mail y'all again with the link soon. If you could vote for us, it'll be great! The actual festival itself is on November the 24th at Zouk (I think. That's where they usually held it for the past few years). So stay tuned *fingers crossed* if we win.
Now that Countdown is complete, I just wanna thank and give a few shout outs to key individuals who have made this production possibe.
Shawn:You were sick with flu and fever yet you still made the extra effort to come. I remember going 'Oh shit!' the night before when you told me you were ill. But you came anyway. That really touched me. Thanks for sacrificing so much of your time being in Council and all to attend the rehearsals and everything else. Thanks (:
Elsa:Haha Elsa it was pretty hard (And awkward) getting you out of your extremely busy schedule to do this but I am grateful that you did anyway for the whole two days. I remember having to pull alot of strings to get you out of IOP, but in the end it was worth it. Thanks for putting up with the many many takes we had to do of your scene and doing alot of embarrassing and disgusting stuff like fiddling with old power boxes, putting a tape down your shirt, etc. You always told me you're a bad actress but I think everyone will now disagree. As the star of this film, you were fantastic.
Kiat:Man, we were so unsure of who was going to be our lead cop actor so my heartfelt thanks goes out to you for bearing with us while the deliberation took place. Thanks for coming down to EVERY SINGLE rehearsal, meeting, and film date even though you weren't sure whether you would even be acting. You were awesome in the role and I thank you for just being yourself the whole time – Yes that angsty, but very nice guy that you are.
Bloke:Blokey I must admit that I missed having you as my usual lead. Don't get me wrong - Not that Kiat wasn't great in his role, cuz he was, but man, it just felt weird without you ): But you know what, something that really made my day was the way you handled all that rigorous auditions, meetings, and shoots. After putting in sooo much effort, your great sportsmanship really touched me even though we choose Kiat in the end. I actually felt quite bad about that and wanted to do two versions and all that crap but... Ah well. Bloke, I just want you to know that your help over the past 3 years of filming is something I'm very proud about and that it was a pleasure working with you (and all your eccentricities).
Jeff:Your last few days in Singapore must've been a pretty busy and stressful time. Having just been through the same thing myself, I really appreciate you coming down for the film despite undergoing such a tough time moving and all. Not to forget, I must also thank you for also supporting me financially. I doubt anyone in the right mind would have lent me owe them $500++ for almost 6 months. I don't even see myself doing the same (Probably cuz I don't have that much money in the first place). But you get the idea, man. Really appreciate it. Underneath your tough, bad-ass, and stoic exterior, you're a really nice guy (:
Jon Lui & Orion:You guys are the greatest. All the behind the scenes choreography, fights, stunts, etc. were a product of your hard work, creativity, and dedication. Thanks also, for coming down to countless after-school meetings despite your undeniably busy schedules. Thanks for always working ever so hard even though I was away filming other scenes and creating a great, well-thought out and planned fight scene for this film.
David Cheong:I gotta credit the other side too haha. Thanks a million to David, for helping me choreograph all the triads and keep them well behaved (Relatively). Heh I doubt I could've filmed all those last scenes without your help and discipline. I recall shouting 'David get your men into position' all the time and you would get all the triads ready for their particular scene. Thanks for always being ready to go film and tolerating long waiting hours (With Elsa *Cough*). I remember offering you CAS hours but you turned me down - Saying you just wanted to do this for the heck of it. Haha that rocks. Thanks man.
CREW:Ben Soh:Thanks Ben for always being there for me to boss around. Haha. Seriously though. Thanks for putting up with all my shit, sacrificing so much of your time, money, and most of all, your dignity in order to get things done. I understand that it wasn't easy balancing your time at that particular point in time because of all the discipline issues with the school and all so I am really grateful that you helped me out so selflessly.
David Liew:Well, what can I say? My money man. Haha. First of all, thanks for spending so much money and being the chief financial backer of this production. Not only did you lend us your gorgeous XL2, but you invest almost $300-$500 in making this film a success. Thanks for always being so accommodating with my typically endless requests for help with props, money, etc. You went through hell with your own company just to get this movie done and I really respect and appreciate that.
Malcolm:Hey man thanks for always coping with my numerous technical incompetencies and being ever so patient when I got so stressed out and angsty. You're one of the most calm and collected guys under pressure that I've ever seen. Thanks for your time, he DVX, and most of all, your advice - Especially over e-mail the past few weeks even though you had exams and other stuff. You'll be a great (And better) filmmaker next time, mate. =P
Michelle:Even though you don't know jack about technology, your help in this production was more than what I could ever ask for. Thanks for always being there for me and calming my nerves on many a stressful after-school meeting. Thanks for always staying back with me during recess and after school - You didn't really have to but you did anyway(: I was always on the verge of giving up on this film; I was so wound up, so overwhelmed by the sheer logistical nightmare and coordination of this entire thing but you kept me going. I could not have, without a doubt, saw this video through if not for your moral support, optimism, encouragement, and faith in me.
Tina & Wei Ling:A movie without funding is as good as not having a movie at all. Thanks for your kind and generous donation to this most noble *coughs* cause. My gratitude goes out to you for having confidence and hope in me and this project. Honestly. Couldn't have seen all the logistics and everything through without your contributions.
Alastair:Ali thanks for being a great 'Location Manager' hehe. I gotta owe it to you mate. Without your Dad's warehouse, where the hell else could we film? Thanks for hosting 60 + people at your warehouse, and most of all, for entrusting the entire compound to me the second day although I was somewhat nervous about that =S Haha. But seriously though, thanks - Your help has made this thing possible.
Ivan:You such a busy guy so thanks for putting up with all my nonsense and pleas to come down to photog. for us. More importantly, thanks ever so much for letting us
abuse film in your GARGANTUAN, fancy-ass mansion. It was really awesome. I remember when I first stepped into your house after you moved, I told Ethan 'I sooooo wanna have a SWAT team raid here' - And I did haha! Thanks to you, my friend. You had to put up with alot of shit from your parents and stuff but you did it nevertheless - Giving us free dinner and entertainment at your rooftop too! For that and much much more, thanks!
Now that that's all said and done, what else can I say but - Please enjoy the film! For those of you who have participated in Countdown or have been with me for past productions, this is an accumulation of all your hard work, effort, and support over these past 3 years - And I thank you sincerely for it. I know and understand that there were many times where u felt left out and bored with your crummy roles as random thugs, cops or even background crew, but I want you to know that this would've never been possible without you guys either. Even though we have 3 leads, each and every one of you is the star of this film. I doubt any of the scenes would be as awesome as they are without
ALL of you acting in them - Even if you only one second of screen time or half a split-screen devoted to you. Everyone matters. Your sacrifice has accentuated (Big word whee!) the depth and entertainment of this film.
Countdown, like any of our other films, would never ever ever have been possible if it weren't for your kind and selfless dedication, and help. From the bottom of my heart, my gratitude and thanks goes out to all of you for making this film a success! I honestly and deeply appreciate it.
Have fun watching the film and stay tuned for further updates! Do keep in contact and let me know how I've done. My heartfelt thanks to all of you! (: